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The fortress of Terezin was built during the reign of the king Josef II. in the years 1780-1790.
After occupation by Nazi Germany the Terezin was transformed into a concentration camp. The Small Fortress served as a Gestapo police prison and the Main fortress, the town itself, became a concentration camp for Jews.
Visit the former town of the Jewish ghetto, Museum of the ghetto and Small Fortress with a cemetery.


Lidice was a village in Czech Republic about 20km west of Prague.
In 1942 the whole village was razed to the ground by Nazis and most of the citizens were killed or sent to concentration camps.
The tragic act was based on a false accusation that some Lidice residents were involved in assassination of Reinhard Heidrich, also known as the ‘Butcher of Prague’.
We will visit the museum where facts and documents of this tragedy are collected and see interviews with people who survived. Then we will walk to the original memorial site and the rose garden.


All the prices include services of the guide and transportation.
If you wish you can also book a car and driver only.

Number of personsPrice per group
1 - 28500 CZK
3 - 610500 CZK
7 or moreplease ask for special price

Euros and US Dollars are also accepted according to the actual exchange rate.

Duration: 8 hours



Small Fortress, Museum of the Ghetto, Magdeburg Barracks

280 CZK adults / 220 CZK students & seniors

Crematorium is closed on Saturdays


Lidice Museum

150 CZK adults / 70 CZK students & seniors

Opening times and admission fees may change without prior notice

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